On humans, the glance can only petrify them. The story that unfolds becomes one of human survival against an encroaching unnatural disaster, that if not stopped, could become a national ecological nightmare that could pose a possible threat to all of humanity. The fragments also begin to slowly petrify some of the inhabitants of a nearby small town. He can teleport anywhere, and his glare can petrify anyone who sees it. He has a sixth sense that alerts him to the presence of evil. Weird can pass through walls with ease, making himself immaterial and invisible at will. In a negative review for The Washington Post, Gary Arnold called the film 'disappointing', writing that 'the beautiful images seem to freeze or petrify on the screen, because Altman does not bring any intensity to the narrative'.ĭr. All four of them were sent to Ravencroft where they started to act like model inmates.Amazing Spider-Man Vol. Sin-Eater used Grey Gargoyle's abilities to petrify Spider-Man. The second section is perhaps even more disquieting, despite the sublimity of its colors scarred with biomorphic forms evocative of sandstone fossils (a chain-link fence makes an appearance as well), it could be read as intimating the ecological collapse of the ocean, a view made more convincing by "atomic 123," with its right side seeming to dissipate or petrify, followed by "atomic 08," moss-streaked, devoid of blue, and bone-dry.Ī duel against Count Rohan. In just a few weeks in office he has managed to petrify and enrage the world, obsessing over how many people were at his inauguration, hanging onto a ridiculous voter fraud conspiracy theory, repeatedly lying, threatening foreign leaders, signing ill-thought out executive orders, using his POTUS Twitter account to carry out personal vendettas, ordering Navy Seals to carry out a half-baked raid. and then brought her and their two kids out to the living room to petrify them further. The details are harrowing - Browner's ex claims he broke into her place through a window, dragged her back into the house, smothered her face into the carpet to the point she almost lost consciousness. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), the program that started in the 80s and was designed to petrify kids into saying "no.Īster means to petrify us, and he succeeds I won't forget the pale shape that lurks and scoots behind Peter, in the corner of the ceiling, like Spider-Man's evil twin.Īpparently, avoiding any exposure to air is the secret, and that has allowed it to petrify over the 1,500 years or so since the beams and planks were in good faith plunged into a marsh.

Trump's war-on-drugs rhetoric is nothing new - trying to petrify kids into sobriety is a tactic that's been used for decades.

"The court has to gain control of the case and not let it petrify," said Mr. Her passion and confidence should petrify Bernie Sanders, whose song she sings better than he does. Length: All <=10 words 10-20 words 20-30 words 30-50 words The transformed Medusa could petrify-literally, petrify-anyone who looked at her. Structure: All Simple Compound Complex Compound-Complex Type: All Declarative Interrogative Exclamative Fossilise (UK) fossilize (US) harden set calcify ossify solidify clarify fix lapidify mineralize rigidify turn into stone turn to stone fossilify fossilate horrify terrify stun appall (US) appal (UK) frighten paralyse (UK) scare alarm panic affright fill with fear scare witless chill paralyze (US) scare to death spook startle strike terror into frighten the life out of castrate geld devitalize enervate lobotomize desiccate dehydrate deaden damp dampen discourage deter dash humble deject depress dispirit dismay cloud blanket stiffen congeal coagulate clot thicken gel freeze cake jell curdle jelly condense crystallise (UK) crystallize (US) anneal inspissate transfix fascinate captivate enthrall (US) enthral (UK) mesmerise (UK) mesmerize (US) bewitch spellbind enchant grip entrance rivet enrapture engross hypnotise (UK) hypnotize (US) hold astound lithify numb benumb dull desensitise (UK) desensitize (US) immobilise (UK) immobilize (US) stupefy daze anaesthetize (UK) anaesthetise (UK) anesthetize (US) blunt cauterise (UK) cauterize (US) amaze astonish shock dumbfound flabbergast stagger confound floor bewilder confuse overcome overwhelm bowl over dumfound overpower rock More